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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Specific job-exposure records to assess in routine carcinogenic risks [POSTER]

The aim is to present a simplified job-exposure records to identify occupational exposure to carcinogens with minimum formative experience Methodology.  We built 105 forms corresponding to specific jobs, including the main risks. Results: a specific job-exposure record was filled for each of 2017 workers.  Nine hundred and fifty three workers corresponding to 47% of the studied population were exposed during their work to one carcinogen or more.Main occupational carcinogens were hepatitis B virus, environmental tobacco smoke ,and inorganic acids... Discussion /the workers are exposed to a large variety of occupational carcinogens, although most of them are not belonging to industrial, but to tertiary sector

1 comment:

  1. I'd love to see this data, because it's hard to believe that of all of the metal fumes, solvents, thinners, gases, and dusts we breathe in industry regularly, that the main carcinogenic stressor comes from behavioral rather than industrial exposure. I look forward to seeing the presentation and discussing the epidemiological & exposure assessment methods used.
