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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

What's Hiding in Your Sandwich?

In this presentation, we will look at the history of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) and its principles, FDA Defect Action Levels and the reasoning behind them, some of the latest technology to find defects and foreign material in food and then we'll see several actual real life examples of food adulteration. We’ll then discuss the types of contamination, the sources and how to prevent contamination and adulteration.


  1. Great speech! I enjoy giving it very much.

  2. Great subject. Great talk.

  3. Great subject. Interesting and frightening regarding food contamination.

  4. Initelligent, relevant and worth sharing.

  5. Great subject. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Looking forward to this one.

  7. Important Subject: Informative Beneficial

  8. Thanks everyone for sharing your thoughts about this abstract! What about this potential presentation is it that you would like to see and how can it help you in your everyday work?

    I am looking forward to hearing everyone's thoughts on this!!!

  9. What a timely topic. We all need to be aware of what is contaminating our sandwich as well as our whole environment. A lot of disease could be prevented by knowing.

  10. A very intriguing topic. I can't think of a more important issue than public safety.
