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Monday, October 3, 2011

The Evolving World of Environmental Health: A strategy of how to best adapt and advance the profession from an entry-level professional, a mid-level manager and a senior director

The field of environmental health is constantly evolving, as new hazards threaten our communities. For example, Cryptosporidium is commonly associated with waterborne outbreaks, yet we knew little about this agent just twenty years ago. Less than ten years ago, sprouts were not considered a potentially hazardous food. Environmental health professionals are increasingly involved with disaster sanitation and emergency planning management, but are we prepared? Knowledge and skills must evolve in order to keep pace with current environmental health needs.

This panel presentation will offer a step-by-step strategy on how to adapt to the evolving world of environmental health by sharing perspectives of an entry level professional, a mid-level manager, and a senior director. The panel will assess the current environmental health employment opportunities and barriers for new graduates and experienced professionals.  The panel will identify common skills employers are seeking, how new graduates can best prepare to enter the work force, and discuss adaptation strategies to keep relevant in a changing field. Additionally, we will outline similarities and differences between the new entry level workers and the experienced managers as it relates to the progression of the profession.  The panel will conclude the presentation by providing solutions on how we can all effectively collaborate to advance the profession and meet the needs of the evolving world of environmental health.


  1. As a relatively new member of the environmental health profession, I would be very interested to learn more about strategies for effectively adapting to the changing needs and requirements of this field. I’m especially interested in the panel format that would provide the perspective of more seasoned managers on preparing for potential career growth opportunities.
    Marty Andersson

  2. Any advice on staying current and relevant in this field would be very helpful and appreciated, especially from the senior managers.
    Don S. Lick

  3. Hi NEHA presenter,

    This topic sounds very interesting. As Env. Health Professionals, we are involved in a variety of positions outside of our basic training. It would be nice to hear about ways to better adapt to these new enviroments.

  4. Great talk. I'd love to see this at the conference, & also with there was a similar one for military EHOs.
