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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Train-the-Trainer [Pre-Conference Workshop- Full Day]

The FDA’s Foodborne Illness Risk Factor studies concluded that the presence of trained food handlers has a positive effect on overall food safety compliance. Likewise, recent studies have unveiled the need to provide training in a manner to be received by “oral-culture” communicators. For the Environmental Health Specialist, it is critical to communicate information that not only encourages retention of key messages but also motivates individuals to act on the information provided. In essence, the trainer should inspire individual behavior change. This participant-focused learning lab provides a variety of hands-on training activities to increase adult learning and retention through learner-focused involvement and crucial trainer techniques that add energy and emphasis to fundamental messages. The intended outcome is to provide the audience with new skills as learner-focused trainer.

1 comment:

  1. Death by PowerPoint? Boring your audience to tears? That's no way to get a message across! Provide your audiences with true ROI through hands-on application training that they can use immediately upon returning to the job! Learn basic instructional design techniques that focus on behavior change. Hope to see you at this session
